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Pantenger organic Ceylon is a high grown black tea from Dimbula, Sri Lanka. The tea garden lies at an altitude of 3300 to 4200 ft. above sea level. At this altitude the flavor concentrates. Leaf Grade: Orange Pekoe (whole leaf).
The best tea leaves are handpicked before being carefully processed to preserve their characteristic aroma of citrus, prunes, dried fruit and wood. The brew is refreshing and round in the mouth. The liquor is a deep translucent copper in color.
Brewed Pantenger Ceylon tea is full-bodied, brisk and fruity. The brew is refreshing and round in the mouth. The liquor is a deep translucent copper in color.
Pantenger organic Ceylon can be served plain or with milk and sugar.
Ceylon is the British colonial name of the island nation of Sri Lanka. The nation has been independent since 1948 but the tea produced in this land keeps its traditional name. Tea in Sri Lanka is the main industry and employs over 1 million people. The tea is hand picked and most of its production is orthodox (whole leaves). Scottish Entrepreneurs introduced the first tea plantations almost two centuries ago. The most famous among them was Sir Thomas Lipton whom created a tea empire.
There are five tea-producing districts in Sri Lanka. Tea from the Dimbula district has been often characterized as a tea that tastes like a great black tea should.
Located in the West Highlands, Dimbula is one of the most iconic tea producing regions in the world. The heavenly landscape is surrounded by mountain peaks of 8000 ft, jungle, waterfalls and tea plantations. The tea garden lies at an altitude of 3200-4200 feet and is an idyllic place to grow one of the finest teas in the world. At this altitude, maturation of the tea leaves is slow and the flavor concentrates.
The right amount of tea is 1 tea spoon / 6 Fl. Oz. of water (200°F – 212°F).
Brew for 2 to 4 minutes.
Pantenger Ceylon can be served plain or with milk and sugar.
Ingredients: Organic Black Tea